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An archive for



We are glad to announce the opening of an archive for Lithic Impressions (Shisong shuyuan 柯頌書牘), gathering all rubbings and ink paintings involved so far in the research projects and exhibitions curated by Lia Wei and Zhang Qiang. 

This growing archive will be made available to scholars and amateurs alike. Viewing sessions of rubbings will take the form of periodical theoretical encounters, and the possibility to practice ink art or seal carving de natura, brush or chisel in hand. The space will periodically welcome guest lecturers or artists to share their theoretical and practical experience.

Our ‘lithic archive’ is named after the 579 CE colophon to a monumental inscription by Seng’An Daoyi 僧安道壹. Usually translated as ‘Stone Eulogy’ (shisong 石頌), the title opens the way to one of the most telling sentences about the art of writing: ‘Silk and bamboo are easily ruined, but metal and stone are hard to destroy. Placed on a high mountain, [the writing] will be passed down without limit’ 縑竹易銷,金石難滅,託以高山,永留不絕. Lithic Impressions embraces the ideal of written landscapes: to generate unlimited writing across the boundaries between nature and culture. 

The OPENING was held on 02.02.2020 at 2:00 pm.. at 5 Van Moer Street, 1000 Brussels.